Winamp org
Winamp org

Unless you manually open a media file, the music player keeps running as a mini-player with a smaller interface. There’s even a media monitor to automatically detect new media from websites, streaming services, or specific folders.

winamp org

The main window also displays a playlist search function and playlist editor. In the center, you can notice the ‘currently playing’ media. Once you’re done, the program gives you a detailed file structure in the left pane of the window. Additionally, you can import music from iTunes, a blessing for some Mac users. When you open the application for the first time, Winamp asks about the video and music folders you wish to connect. Since Winamp was launched in an era of simplicity, it focuses on ease of use, basic controls, and a classic layout. Like MediaMonkey, the tool even acts as a library management app. Winamp can deliver hours of entertainment without the hassle brought forth by comprehensive audio apps. You can play around with skins and modify many aspects, including aesthetics, file formats, media sources, audio quality, etc. Once you’ve installed the program, you need to go through the ‘Options’ menu to get a hang of the various customization options. Owing to the classic look and interface, the tool is redolent of simpler times in the 2000s when streaming services like Spotify were not available.

winamp org

You can even set certain preferences and go ahead with a custom install. During the installation process, the program will ask if you want to make Winamp the default player on your PC. While using this free music player, you shouldn’t experience any issues with performance. Winamp is a popular Windows application that comes in a lightweight installation package.

Winamp org